My Grandpa Williams (my mom's dad) went to be with Jesus last night. It wasn't really unexpected, as he had been slowly deteriorating over the past few years from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. A few days ago we heard that he was near death.
Its weird to use the word death, because in reality that isn't what happened. My Grandpa left the earth and really began his true, eternal life with the Lord. This is the first death in my family in 17 years, needless to say when I was five I didn't really understand what was going on. But now, faced with the reality of my Grandpa's passing, I have a strange mixture of sadness, joy, and relief. Relief because now he isn't in pain, and he's not confused anymore. I can't imagine what it was like for him to emerge from sickness and old age into new life with Christ, like coming out of a dense, thick fog into a brilliant crisp, bright summer day. What a contrast!
A couple days before he passed, he told my grandma that he had seen Jesus. When she asked him if Jesus had said anything, my grandpa replied, "Glory". Now, in my grandpa's state, I don't know, but maybe Jesus really did show himself to Grandpa in preparation for his joining Him in Glory. Grandpa loved God so much, even through the loss of his memory and deterioration of his mind, he held on tight to Jesus.
David Williams, in this world, served in the Military in all branches except for the coast guard. He served as a Chaplain and was in World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam. In the US, he was a preacher. I can even remember going and hearing some of his sermons when I was younger.
He was always joking around, he had a really great, positive personality. He was always fun to be around. I'll miss him, but I am so excited for him as he really begins to live.
Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
1 Corinthians 13:12
For Trunk or Treat at SBC, we were Disney's Up!
11 years ago
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